• Winnebago PTO Logo

    PTO Purpose

    To provide opportunities that enhance the growth of each child and bring about a closer relationship between home and school. Through fundraising and family activities, we promote positive school/community relationships that enhance our children’s educational environment.

    The Winnebago PTO is made up strictly of volunteers. All parents/guardians and teachers of students at Dorothy Simon and Jean McNair Elementary Schools are invited to participate.

    • Educational supplements for teachers, such as visual and/or hands-on learning
    • Tests and prizes for Accelerated Reader program
    • Playground equipment
    • Special performers, programs, and assemblies
    • Class trip supplements (example: admission fees for students)

    Current Officers

    • President - Jennifer Beck 
    • Vice President - Inga Danko
    • Secretary - Katie Bawinkel
    • Treasurer - Tiffany Heisler


    The PTO sponsors school/family activities throughout the year. These events include:

    • Skate Night - Fall - students and their families are able to join in for a night of skating fun at Skateland. 
    • Christmas Bazaar – early December – students are able to shop on their own. Items range from $1 – $5 and are helped by older students while parents wait.
    • Family Night – Spring – a fun evening to spend at school with other families. Themes change from year to year – in the past, there have been sock hops, hoe-downs, sports nights, ice cream socials.
    • Fun Fair - an opportunity for students and families to enjoy games and prizes. Proceeds from this event benefit the elementary art programs.

    The Winnebago PTO invites all parents/guardians and teachers of students in Early Childhood to fifth grade to attend monthly meetings. The first meeting is in September. Notice of meetings are sent home in advance and will note the meeting location and time. Volunteering allows all of us to be a part of our children’s elementary school experience.

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